Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ramadan make up days

Making up Ramadan is so hard for me. I wake up on a day I think I should fast, since it's a short day in the winter & this summer we expect to be traveling right up almost to next Ramadan, & I have so few days I feel like I can fast anyway, I should just get it over with. I rarely wake up for suhur, so I'm hungry when I get up. If I do get up & eat I feel drowsy through the day.

Is it normal to feel light headed most of the day? I understand a lot of how I feel physically is my body fighting 'starvation'. I know I can miss a lot of meal without literally starving, but I also know every time I miss a meal I risk my body trying to breakdown my muscles to slow my metabolism. The easiest Ramadan I ever had was the one where I exercised every night after everyone else went to bed. Knowing this I'm still sitting here at my computer every day instead of doing active work.

I wonder at people who tell me that they enjoy Ramadan. I know I'm missing out on whatever makes the month enjoyable to them.

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