Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bad news, & more bad news

Bismillah R-rahman R-raheem.

We've learned that we were not well enough prepared to take care of goats. Two days after DS#2 found his kid, he also found the larger twin buried in the straw. I assume the female was still in labor & couldn't care for the first twin while birthing the second. DH buried it in the back yard. Then 2 days ago DS#2 found the other kid had died. We are not sure about the other female. DS#2 insists she has not delivered yet. I hope DH will put her inside somewhere until she does. It looks like we'll have to convert a shed or build a barn for the goats.

I suppose next winter we will have to bring any midwinter kids into the house or at least into the garage. DH won't consider bringing the mommy into the garage to take care of her kid(s). I'm not looking forward to buying milk replacer & feeding bottle babies again. I'd prefer keep the male locked up for the months where any female will deliver in the cold.


  1. asalaam alaikum- hey it is me-mary. i found this listed on khadija teri's site. I check for updates from her each day. i hope they are ok, along with the rest of the Libyans. Sorry about hte baby goats. may ALlah give you better htan what you lost. AlhamdliALlah ala kulli hal. take care nad aa , mary

  2. Mary I've been checking Khadija Teri's Facebook for updates, snippets here & there. Allah make it easy.

    Alhamdullilah about the baby goats. I suspect Allah did not make goats to kid in the winter, man probably bred it into them. Anyway the other female delivered 2 health kids & they are doing fine. DS is talking about which goats to dispose of now that he has a herd of 5. Allah guide that boy.
